- 院长办公室(Executive Office)
- 党委办公室(CPC Committee)
- 监察室(Inspection Office)
- 人事科(Human Resources Office)
- 讲学厅(Lecture Hall)
- 科研科(Research Service Office)
- 研究生办公室(Graduate Affairs Office)
- 信息科(Dept.of Information)
- 二病区(Surgical Ward (Ⅱ))
- 手术室(Operating Room)
- 口腔颌面外科专科门诊(Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery(Specialty outpatient))
- 口腔种植科(Dept. of Oral Implantology)
- 口腔修复科(Dept. of Prosthodontics)
- 牙体牙髓病科4、5、6诊室(Dept. of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics(IV、V、VI))
- 质控科(Quality Control Office)
- 病案管理科(Medical Record Management Office)
- 口腔粘膜病科(Dept. of Oral Medicine)
- 口腔病理科(Dept. of Oral Pathology)
- 医院感染管理科(Dept. of Hospital Infection Management)
- 牙体牙髓病科1、2、3诊室(Dept. of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics(Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ))
- 检验科(Clinical Laboratory)
- 广东省口腔医学会(Guangdong Stomatological Association)
- 广东省口腔医师协会(Guangdong Stomatological Doctor Association)
- 高值耗材库(High value consumables storehouse)
- 门诊办公室(Outpatient Office)
- 医务科(Medical Service Management Office)
- 挂号收费处(Registration & Cashier)
- 放射科(Dept. of Radiology)
- 药学部(Dept. of Pharmacy)
- 综合保健科(General Dental Clinic)
- 口腔急诊科(Dept. of Oral Emergency)