教授 主任医师 博士生导师



医学学士 (中山医科大学 ?口腔临床医学)
医学硕士 (中山医科大学 ?口腔临床医学)
医学博士 ?(香港大学 ? ? 口腔预防专业)

1993-1995年 ?中山医科大学口腔医疗中心口腔内科副主任
1999-2005年 ?中山医科大学光华口腔医院预防科主任、副主任医师
2005年-至今 ?主任医师
2006年-至今 ?中山大学光华口腔医学院博士生导师
2008年-至今 ?中山大学光华口腔医学院 教授


1. 变异链球菌srtA基因多态性与S-ECC易感性关系的分子流行病学研究。国家自然科学基金(2013.1-2016.12),70万(项目批准号:81271123)
2. 运用Life-course方法纵向研究婴幼儿龋发病危险因素,国家自然科学基金(2009.1-2011.12), 25万,第一负责人。(项目批准号:30872875)
3. 婴幼儿牙菌斑菌群多样性与S-ECC发病关系的纵向研究。(广东省科技计划项目(2011-2013),5万(项目编号2011B061300027)
4. 婴幼儿龋危险因素的生命历程研究。广东省科技计划项目(2009.1-2011.12),3万,第一负责人。(项目编号2008B06060002粤科计字[2008]156号)
5. 变链菌srtA基因多态性与酶活性及粘附作用关系,广东省科技计划项目(2008.1-2010.12),3万,第一负责人。(项目编号2007B060401026,粤科计字[2007]153号)
6. 变形链球菌遗传多态性与乳牙龋高发关系研究,广东省自然科学基金,(2004.8) ,5万,第一负责人。

1. Ye Tao, Yan Zhou, Yong Ouyang, HuanCai Lin(corresponding author). Dynamics of oral microbial community profiling during severe early childhood caries development monitored by PCR-DGGE. Archives Oral Biol 2013; 58:1129-1138.
2. hou Y, Yang JY, Zhi QH, Tao Y, Qiu RM, Lin HC(corresponding author). Factors associated with colonization of Streptococcus mutans in 8- to 32-month-old children: a cohort study. Australian Dental Journal (2013; 58: 1–7.)doi:10.1111/adj.12113
3. Qiu Min Rong, Wong CM May, Lo CM Edward, Lin Cai Huan(corresponding author), Relationship between children's oral health-related behaviors and their caregiver's sense of coherence. BMC Public Health.2013, 13:239.
4. Zhou Y, Yang JY, Lo ECM, Lin HC(corresponding author). The contribution of life course determinants to early childhood caries: a 2-year cohort study. Caries Res, 2012,46(2):87-94.
5. Zhang XH, Zhou Y, Zhi QH, Tao Y, Lin HC (corresponding author). Genetic polymorphisms of the sortase A gene and early childhood caries in two-year-old children. Archives of Oral Biology, 2012, 57(7):948-953
6. Zhou Y, Lin HC(corresponding author), Lo ECM, Wong MCM. Risk indicators for early childhood caries of 2-year-old children in Southern China. Australia Dental Journal 2011;56:33-39
7. Zhao L,Lin HC(corresponding author), E.C.M. Lo, MCM Wong. Clinical and socio-demographic factors influencing the oral health-related quality of life of Chinese elders. Community Dental Health 2011; 28(3):206-210
8. Wang P, Zhou Y, Zhu YH, Lin HC(corresponding author). Unstimulated and stimulated salivary characteristics of 12-13-year-old schoolchildren with and without dental erosion. Arch Oral Biol. 2011;56(11):1328-1332
9. Wang P, Lin HC(corresponding author), Chen JH, Liang HY. The prevalence of dental erosion and associated ? risk factors in 12-13 year old school children in Southern China. BMC Public Health 2010;10(1):478
10. Lin HC, Wong MCM, Wang ZJ, et al. Oral health Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Chinese Adults. J Dent Res 2001;80:1466-1470.
11. Lin HC, Wong MCM, Zhang HG, et al. Coronal and Root Caries in Southern Chinese Adults. J Dent Res 2001;80:1475-1479.
12. Lin HC, Corbet EF, Lo ECM. Oral Mucosal Lesions in Adult Chinese. J Dent Res 2001;80:1486-1490.
13. Lin HC, Corbet EF, Lo ECM. Tooth Loss, Occluding Pairs, and Prosthetic Status of Chinese Adults. J Dent Res 2001;80:1491-1495.
14. Lin HC, Schwarz E. Oral Health and Dental Care in Modern-day China. Community Dentist Oral Epidemiol 2001;29:319-328.

1. ?Zhi QH, Lo EC, Lin HC. Randomized clinical trial on effectiveness of silver diamine fluoride and glass ionomer in arresting dentine caries in preschool children. J Dent.2012;40(11):962-7.
2. ?Liu BY, Lo EC, Chu CH, Lin HC. Randomized trial on fluorides and sealants for fissure caries prevention. J Dent Res.2012;91(8):753-8
3. ?Gao XL, McGrath C, Lin HC. Oral Health status of rural-urban migrant children in South China. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2010; 21:58-67
4. ?Chu CH, Lo ECM, Lin HC. Effectiveness of Silver Diamine Fluoride and Sodium Fluoride Varnish in Arresting Dentin Caries in Chinese Pre-school Children. J Dent Res. 2002 Nov;81(11):767-770.
5. ?Lo ECM, Chu CH, Lin HC. A community-based caries control program for pre-school children using topical fluorides: 18-month results. J Dent Res. 2001;80(12):2071-4.
6. ?Lo ECM, Schwarz E, Lin HC, Corbert EF,Wong MCM. Dental treatment needs among adults in Southern China. J Dent Res, 1999; 78(5): 180
7. ?Lo ECM, Lin HC, Wang ZJ, et al. Utilization of Dental Services in Southern China. J Dent Res 2001;80:1471-1474.
8. ?Corbet EF, Wong MCM, Lin HC. Periodontal Conditions in Adult Southern Chinese. J Dent Res 2001;80:1480-1485.
9. ?Schwarz E, Zhang HG, Wang ZJ, Lin HC, et al. An Oral Health Survey in Southern ?
? ? ? China, 1997: Background and Methodology. J Dent Res 2001;80:1453-1458.

1. 主编《口腔流行病学》广东人民出版社 2005年
2. 编委《预防口腔医学》第6版,卫生部本科统编教材,人民卫生出版社,2012
4. 编委《第三次全国口腔健康流行病学调查报告》人民卫生出版社2008年
5. 副主编 《全国卫生专业技术资格考试习题集丛书——口腔内科学精选模拟习题集》人民卫生出版社2009年
6. 编委《中国牙病防治二十年》北京大学医学出版社2010年

《Chinese Journal of Dental Research》编委

地 址:广州市陵园西路56号中山大学光华口腔医学院·附属口腔医院(510055)
电 话:020-83744816
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