副主任医师 硕士生导师

医学学士 (中山大学光华口腔医学院 口腔医学)
医学博士(中山大学光华口腔医学院 口腔临床医学)



2016/04 – 至今 美国明尼苏达大学 访问学者
2012/09 – 至今 中山大学光华口腔医学院附属口腔医院 讲师/主治医师
2010/09 – 2012/03 美国佐治亚奥古斯都大学 联合培养博士研究生



1.Qi YP, Li N, Niu LN, Primus CM, Ling JQ, Pashley DH, et al. Remineralization of artificial dentinal caries lesions by biomimetically modified mineral trioxide aggregate. Acta Biomater 2012;8(2):836-42.
2.Dai L, Qi YP, Niu LN, Liu Y, Pucci CR, Looney SW, et al. Inorganic-Organic Nanocomposite Assembly Using Collagen as Template and Sodium Tripolyphosphate as A Biomimetic Analog of Matrix Phosphoprotein. Cryst Growth Des. 2011;11(8):3504-11.(co-first author)
3.Li N, Niu LN, Qi YP, Yiu CK, Ryou H, Arola DD, et al. Subtleties of biomineralisation revealed by manipulation of the eggshell membrane. Biomaterials. 2011;32(34):8743-52. (co-first author)
4.Wei W, Qi YP, Nikonov SY, Niu LN, Messer RLW, Mao J, et al. Effects of an Experimental Calcium Aluminosilicate Cement on the Viability of Murine Odontoblast-like Cells. J Endodont 2012;38(7):936-42.
5.Leiendecker AP, Qi YP, Sawyer AN, Niu LN, Agee KA, Loushine RJ, et al. Effects of Calcium Silicate-based Materials on Collagen Matrix Integrity of Mineralized Dentin. J Endod 2012;38(6):829-33.
6.Niu LN, Jiao K, Qi YP, Yiu CK, Ryou H, Arola DD, et al. Infiltration of Silica Inside Fibrillar Collagen. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2011; 50(49):11688-91.
7.Liu Y, Li N, Qi YP, Dai L, Bryan TE, Mao J, et al. Intrafibrillar collagen mineralization produced by biomimetic hierarchical nanoapatite assembly. Adv Mater. 2011;23(8):975-80.
8.Liu Y, Li N, Qi YP, Niu LN, Elshafiy S, Mao J, et al. The use of sodium trimetaphosphate as a biomimetic analog of matrix phosphoproteins for remineralization of artificial caries-like dentin. Dental Materials. 2011;27(5):465-77.
9.Niu LN, Jiao K, Qi YP, et al. Intrafibrillar silicification of collagen scaffolds for sustained release of stem cell homing chemokine in hard tissue regeneration[J]. Faseb Journal,2012,26(11):4517-4529.
10.Brackett MG, Li N, Brackett WW, Sword RJ, Qi YP, Niu LN, et al. The critical barrier to progress in dentine bonding with the etch-and-rinse technique. Journal of Dentistry. 2011;39(3):238-48.
11.Gong SQ, Niu LN, Kemp LK, Yiu CK, Ryou H, Qi YP, et al. Quaternary ammonium silane-functionalized, methacrylate resin composition with antimicrobial activities and self-repair potential. Acta Biomater 2012; 8(9):3270-82.
12.Mai S, Gu LS, Qi YP, et al. Quantitative evaluation of biomimetic remineralization of artificial dentinal caries. Chin J Stomatol Res (Electronic Edition) 2013; 7(6):441 -446.
13.Gu LS, Qi YP, Mai S, et al. An in-situ remineralization design of hybrid layer with the use of sodium tripolyphosphate as a therapeutic primer. Chin J Stomatol Res (Electronic Edition) 2014; 8(2):97-103.
14.Gu LS, Mai S,Qi YP, et al.Biomimetic mineralization of a single-layer reconstituted type I collagen model induced by sodium tripolyphosphate and polyacrylic acid. Chin J Stomatol 2014;49(4):224-228.
15.Mai S, Wu SY, Gu LS, Qi YP, et al.Sealing properties of three resin-based sealers. Chin J Stomatol 2014;49(11):672-676.

中华口腔医学会口腔医学益达奖学金 三等奖(2012年)

广东省口腔医学医学会第三届牙体牙髓病学专业委员会 青年委员
中华口腔医学会第四届口腔医学教育专业委员会 青年委员

地 址:广州市陵园西路56号中山大学光华口腔医学院?附属口腔医院(510055)
电 话:020-83861544
传 真:020-83822807


