王智 教授, 博士生导师


2007年在四川大学华西口腔医学院获得口腔临床医学博士学位,现兼任中华口腔医学会中西医结合专委会副主任委员、广东省口腔医学会口腔黏膜病专委会副主任委员等。多年来围绕口腔黏膜免疫稳态失衡及重塑机制与疾病防控进行研究,主持5项国家自然科学基金,近5年以通讯(共通)作者在包括? Clin Cancer Res, Cancer Immunol Res, EBioMedicine, J Dent ResOncoimmunology等学科领域具有影响力的杂志上发表SCI论文10余篇。2019年入选广东省高校珠江学者特聘教授,曾入选全国百篇优秀博士论文、教育部新世纪优秀人才计划,广东省高等学校千百十工程省级培养对象、广东省特支计划青年拔尖人才计划和广东省医学杰出青年人才。担任国家规划教材《口腔黏膜病学》、《口腔临床药物学》、《口腔科学》编委。

王彦 研究员, 博士生导师

??? 王彦, 博士, 现任中山大学光华口腔医学院研究员, 博士生导师,为中山大学“百人计划”引进人才。1993 年获中国卫生部日本厚生省世川医学奖学金赴日本大阪大学留学,于2000 年获医学博士学位。 2000 年至2010 年先后为美国University of Pennsylvania 博士后、Research Associate,主要从事人类肿瘤病毒(KSHV,EBV)致瘤机制的研究。在病毒DNA 复制机制的系列研究中有了重要的突破,取得了一系列原创性成果: 鉴定了KSHV 裂解期DNA复制的起始部位和重要的基因序列;鉴定并阐明了 ORF50、K8、PPF 等KSHV病毒蛋白在病毒DNA 复制过程中的作用。特别是鉴定了以Topo I/II、PARP1、MSH6、Ku86、RecQL等为代表的宿主蛋白在病毒复制过程中的重要作用,这些研究成果为研发以宿主蛋白为靶点的新型抗病毒药物提供了重要的理论依据。相关的研究成果已发表在国际一流专业杂志,并受到研究领域学者的关注。2010 年入选中山大学引进国外杰出人才“百人计划”。回国后从事教学和科研工作。主要研究方向:1、口腔干细胞分化和干性维持的分子机制及组织再生;2、人类肿瘤病毒(KSHV、EBV)致病的分子机制;3、抗病毒药物研发。回国后作为项目负责人主持国家自然科学基金面上2项、广东省科学技术厅/广东省引进创新科研团队“重大人类致病病毒特异性药物的研发与免疫细胞的再生工程”子项目以及“百人计划”启动项目等。回国后在Chemical Engineering Journal 、Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity、Stem Cell Research & Therapy、Cell Proliferation、Dental Materials、Joural of Virology、Stem Cells International、PLoS Pathogens等杂志发表32篇SCI论文。


  1. Zeyuan Cao#, Yunyi Xie#, Le Yu, Yi Li, and Yan Wang*. Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and stem cell factor (SCF) maintained the stemness of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (hBMSCs) during long-term expansion by preserving mitochondrial function via the PI3K/AKT, ERK1/2, and STAT3 signaling pathways. Stem Cell Research & Therapy 2020 Jul 31;11(1):329. (*通讯作者)
  2. Qianmin Ou#, Keqing Huang#, Chuanqiang Fu, Chunlin Huang , Yifei Fang, Zhipeng Gu*, Jun Wu, Yan Wang*. Nanosilver-incorporated halloysite nanotubes/gelatin methacrylate hybrid hydrogel with osteoimmunomodulatory and antibacterial activity for bone regeneration. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020; 382:123019. (*通讯作者)
  3. Huan Chen#, Xiaojun Huang#, Chuanqiang Fu, Xiayi Wu, Yingying Peng, Xuefeng Lin*, and Yan Wang*. Recombinant Klotho protects human periodontal ligament stem cells by regulating mitochondrial function and the antioxidant system during H2O2-induced oxidative stress. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. 2019; 9261565. (*通讯作者)
  4. Xiaojun Huang#, Huan Chen#, Yunyi Xie , Zeyuan Cao, Xuefeng Lin* and Yan Wang*. FoxO1 Overexpression Ameliorates TNF-α-Induced Oxidative Damage and Promotes Osteogenesis of Human Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells via Antioxidant Defense Activation, Stem cells international. 2019;2019:2120453. (*通讯作者)
  5. Yunyi Xie#, Enbao He#, Zeyuan Cao, Qianmin Ou, Yan Wang*. Effect of polyvinylphosphonic acid on resin-dentin bonds and cytotoxicity of MDPC-23. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. 2019 ;122(5):492.e1-492.e6.(*通讯作者)
  6. Suya Chen , Qianmin Ou, Yan Wang*, Xuefeng Lin*. Short Implants (5-8 mm) Versus Long Implants (≥10 mm) with Augmentation in Atrophic Posterior Jaws: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Journal of oral rehabilitation. 2019; 46 (12), 1192-1203. (*通讯作者)
  7. Suya Chen#, Qianmin Ou#, Xuefeng Lin*, Yan Wang*.Comparison between a computer-aided surgical template and the free-hand method: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Implant Dentistry. 2019;28 (6), 578-589. (通讯作者)
  8. Qianmin Ou#, Yingling Miao#, Fanqiao Yang, Xuefeng Lin, Li-Ming Zhang * and Yan Wang *.Zein/gelatin/nanohydroxyapatite nanofibrous scaffolds are biocompatible and promote osteogenic differentiation of human periodontal ligament stem cells. Biomaterials Science, 2019;7(5):1973-1983.(*共同通讯作者)
  9. Siqi Yao#, Lingping Tan#,? Huan Chen, Xiaojun Huang, Wei Zhao*, and Yan Wang*.Potential Research Tool Of Stem Cells From Human Exfoliated Deciduous Teeth: Lentiviral Bmi-1 Immortalization With EGFP Marker. Stem Cells International, 2019;3526409. (*通讯作者)
  10. Qianmin Ou#, Lingping Tan#, Xiaojun Huang, Qipei Luo, Yan Wang*,Xuefeng Lin*. Effect of matrix metalloproteinase 8 inhibitor and chlorhexidine on the cytotoxicity, oxidative stress and cytokine level of MDPC-23.Dent Materials. 2018;34(11):e301-e308.(2019IF 4.495) (*通讯作者)
  11. Qianmin Ou#, Ya Hu#, Siqi Yao, Yan Wang*, Xuefeng Lin*. Effect of matrix metalloproteinase 8 inhibitor on resin-dentin bonds. Dent Materials. 2018;34(5):756-763. (*通讯作者)
  12. Qianmin Ou#, Xiaoxiao Wang#,Yanlan Wang,Yan Wang*, Xuefeng Lin*.Oestrogen retains human periodontal ligament stem cells stemness in long-term culture. Cell Proliferation. 2018;51(2):e12396. ( *通讯作者)
  13. Yao S, Zhao W, Ou Q, Liang L, Lin X*, Wang Y*. MicroRNA-214 Suppresses Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells by Targeting ATF4. Stem Cells International. 2017;2017:3028647. ( *通讯作者)
陈泽涛 研究员, 博士生导师


2005-2010 ?中山大学光华口腔医学院?本科

2010-2012 ?中山大学光华口腔医学院?七年制硕士?(口腔种植学)

2012-2015 ?澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学?博士




2012年毕业于中山大学光华口腔医学院,获口腔临床医学(种植学)硕士学位。2015年毕业于澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学,取得博士学位。从事口腔种植相关医教研工作,聚焦软硬组织再生修复的免疫机制及其调控研究,成果发表于Advanced Functional Materials,ACS Nano,Materials Today等。共发表SCI学术论文37篇,累计影响因子达268.079,通讯10篇,第一/并列第一16篇,一作/通讯发表大于10分的SCI学术论文7篇。参编外语专著1部(The Immune Response to Implanted Materials and Devices)。申请专利2项,参与获批专利1项。主持包括ITI Research Grant, The Osteology Foundation Research Grant在内的国际项目4项,国家自然科学基金在内的项目5项。

? ??教学方面,参与口腔种植学的教学工作,并致力于推动口腔基础研究的教学改革与实践。主编《口腔基础研究导论》(人民卫生出版社,2020,ISBN: 978-7-117-29325-9)。从2016年起,作为学院“科创育才”协会指导教师与学生科联合连续举办四届“口腔科研训练营”,探索以第二课堂形式培养学生创新基础研究能力,并初步建立口腔创新基础研究能力的教学评价体系;2020年作为课程负责人与教学科联合创建“口腔基础研究导论”课程,将创新基础研究能力的培养融入第一课堂。从口腔基础研究课程的建立与实践、教材的编写、到教学评价体系的构建,这一系列的教学改革工作获得了2项省级及3项校级教学类项目支持。


1.?? ?口腔软硬组织再生修复过程的免疫调控机制

2.?? ?口腔生物材料的免疫调控性能





1.?? ?2020-2022年,中山大学本科教学质量工程类项目

2.?? ?2020-2021年,广东省高校青年教师高等教育学研究课题

3.?? ?2019-2019年,中山大学研究生教育创新计划项目

4.?? ?2019-2020年,广东省高等教育教学研究和改革项目(综合类项目,第二参与人)

5.?? ?2018-2019年,中山大学本科教学质量工程类项目



1.?? ?2018-2020年,国家自然科学基金青年基金

2.?? ?2018-2021年,广东省杰出青年科学基金项目

3.?? ?2017-2022年,广东省珠江人才计划青年拔尖人才项目

4.?? ?2017-2019年,中山大学青年教师培育项目

5.?? ?2016-2018年,中山大学百人计划启动基金



1.?? ?2019-2020年,The ?Osteology Foundation, Young Researcher Grant (18-016)

2.?? ?2018-2020年,ITI Research Grant,Small Grant 2017 (1267_2017)

3.?? ?2016-2017年,The Osteology Foundation, Young ?Researcher Grant (15-004)

4.?? ?2015-2016年,The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation,New Investigator Gran t (NI2015-102)




1.?? ? ?Runheng ?Liu#, Shoucheng Chen#, Peina Huang, Guanqi Liu, Pu Luo, ?Zhipeng Li, Yin Xiao, Zhuofan Chen*,?Zetao ?Chen*. Immunomodulation-based strategy for improving soft tissue and ?metal implant integration and its implications in the development of metal ?soft tissue materials.. Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, accepted. (IF: ?15.621)

2.?? ? ?Guanqi ?Liu#, Xiaoshuang Wang#, Xuan Zhou#, Linjun ?Zhang, Jiaomei Mi, Zhengjie Shan, Baoxin Huang*, Zhuofan Chen*,?Zetao Chen*. Modulating the ?cobalt dose range to manipulate multisystem cooperation in bone environment: ?a strategy to resolve the controversies about cobalt use for orthopedic ?applications. Theranostics, 2020, 10(3), 1074-1089. (IF: 8.063)

3.?? ? ?Lingling ?Chen#, Guanqi Liu#, Jinyan Wu, Xuan Zhou, Yiming Zhao,?Zetao Chen*, Zhengmei Lin*, ?Yin Xiao. Multi-faceted effects of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) determined ?by immune microenvironment and their implications on MSC/biomaterial-based ?inflammatory disease therapy. Applied Materials Today, 2020, 18, 100458. (IF: ?8.013)

4.?? ? ?Zetao Chen#, ?Rahul Madathiparambil Visalakshan#, Jia Guo#, Fei Wei, ?Linjun Zhang, Lingling Chen, Zhengmei Lin*, Krasimir Vasilev*, Yin Xiao*. ?Plasma deposited poly-oxazoline nanotextured surfaces dictate ?osteoimmunomodulation towards ameliorative osteogenesis. Acta Biomaterialia, ?2019, 15: 568-581 (IF: 6.638)

5.?? ? ?Guanqi ?Liu#, Yuanlong Guo#, Linjun Zhang#, ?Xiaoshuang Wang, Runheng Liu, Peina Huang, Yin Xiao, Zhuofan Chen*,?Zetao Chen*. A standardized ?rat burr hole defect model to study maxillofacial bone regeneration. Acta Biomaterialia, ?2019, 86:456-60 (IF: 6.638)

6.?? ? ?Shiyu ?Wu#, Binbin Xia#, Sui Mai#, Zhicai Feng, ?Xiaoshuang Wang, Yudong Liu, Runheng Liu, Zhipeng Li, Yin Xiao*, Zhuofan ?Chen*,?Zetao Chen*. Sodium ?fluoride under dose range of 2.4-24 μM, a promising osteoimmunomodulatory ?agent for vascularized bone formation. ACS Biomaterials Science & ?Engineering, 2019, 5 (2): 817–830. (IF 4.511)

7.?? ? ?Wei ?Qiao#, Runheng Liu#, Zhipeng Li, Xin Luo, Baoxin Huang, ?Quan Liu,?Zetao Chen, James ?Kit Hon Tsoi, Richard Yu Xiong Su, Kenneth M.C. Cheung, Jukka Matinlinna*, ?Kelvin Yeung*, Zhuofan Chen*. Contribution of the in situ release of ?endogenous cations from xenograft bone driven by fluoride incorporation ?toward enhanced bone regeneration. Biomaterials Science, 2018, 6: 2951-64 (IF ?5.251)

8.?? ? ?Fei ?Wei#, Guanqi Liu#, Yuanlong Guo, Ross Crawford,?Zetao Chen*, Yin Xiao*. Blood ?prefabricated hydroxyapatite/tricalcium phosphate induces ectopic ?vascularized bone formation via modulating the osteoimmune environment. ?Biomaterials Science, 2018, 6(8):2156-71 (IF 5.251)

9.?? ? ?Runheng ?Liu#, Yixiong Lin#, Jinying Lin#, Linjun ?Zhang, Xueli Mao, Baoxin Huang, Yin Xiao, Zhuofan Chen*,?Zetao Chen*. Blood prefabrication subcutaneous small ?animal model for the evaluation of bone substitute materials. ACS ?Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2018, 4(7):2516-2527 (IF ?4.511)

10.??Zetao Chen#, ?Lingling Chen#, Runheng Liu#, Yixiong Lin, Shoucheng ?Chen, Shifeier Lu, Zhengmei Lin, Zhuofan Chen*, Chengtie Wu*, Yin Xiao*. The osteoimmunomodulatory ?property of barrier collagen membrane and its manipulation via coating ?nanometer-sized bioactive glass to improve guided bone regeneration. ?Biomaterials Science, 2018, 6(5):1007-19 (IF 5.251)

11.??Runheng ?Liu#, Wei Qiao#, Baoxin Huang,?Zetao Chen, Jinghan Fang, Zhipeng Li*, Zhuofan Chen*, ?Fluorination enhances osteogenic capacity of porcine hydroxyapatite, Tissue ?Engineering Part A, 2018, 24(15-16):1207-17 (IF 3.616)

12.??Shoucheng ?Chen#, Yuanlong Guo#, Runheng Liu#, Shiyu ?Wu, Jinghan Fang,?Baoxin Huang, ?Zhipeng Li, Zhuofan Chen*,?Zetao ?Chen*. Tuning surface properties of bone biomaterials to manipulate ?osteoblastic cell adhesion and the signaling pathways for the enhancement of ?early osseointegration. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2018, 164: ?58-69. (IF: 3.973)

13.??Zetao Chen#, ?Shengwei Han#, Mengchao Shi, Guanqi Liu, Zhuofan Chen, Jiang ?Chang, Chengtie Wu*, Yin Xiao*. Immunomodulatory effects of mesoporous silica ?nanoparticles on osteogenesis: from nanoimmunotoxicity to nanoimmunotherapy. ?Applied Materials Today, 2018, 10: 184-93. (IF: 8.013)

14.??Zetao Chen#, Akash ?Bachhuka#, Fei Wei, Xiaoshuang Wang, Guanqi Liu, Krasimir Vasilev*, ?Yin Xiao*. Nanotopography-based strategy on the precise manipulation of ?osteoimmunomodulation in bone regeneration. Nanoscale, 2017, 9: 18129-52. (IF: ?6.970)

15.??Mengchao ?Shi#, Lunguo Xia#,?Zetao ?Chen, Fang Lv, Huiying Zhu, Fei Wei, Shengwei Han, Jiang Chang, Yin ?Xiao*, Chengtie Wu*. Europium-doped mesoporous silica nanosphere as an immune-modulating ?osteogenesis/angiogenesis agent. Biomaterials, 2017, 144: 176-87. (IF: ?10.273)

16.??Xufang ?Zhang#, Qingpiao Chen#, Jianwei Liu, Qi Wei,?Zetao Chen, Xueli Mao*. ?Parthenolide promotes differentiation of osteoblasts through Wnt/β-catenin ?signaling pathway in inflammatory environment. Journal of Interferon and ?Cytokine Research, 2017, 37(9): 406-414. (IF:1.774)

17.??Zetao Chen#, ?Akash Bachhuka#, Shengwei Han, Fei Wei, Shifeier Lu, Rahul ?Visalakshan, Krasimir Vasilev*, Yin Xiao*. Tuning chemistry and topography of ?nanoengineered surfaces to manipulate immune response for bone regeneration ?applications. ACS Nano, 2017, 11(5): 4494-506. (IF 13.903)

18.??Gaojie ?Yang#, Haoming Liu#, Xixi Hu,?Zetao Chen,?Thor Friis, Jianglin Wang, Yin Xiao*, Shengmin ?Zhang*. Bio-inspired hybrid nanoparticles promote vascularized bone ?regeneration in a morphology-dependent manner. Nanoscale, 2017, 9: 5794-805. ?(IF ?6.970)

19.??Shengwei ?Han,?Zetao Chen*, Pingping ?Han, Qingang Hu, Yin Xiao*. Activation of macrophages by lipopolysaccharide ?for assessing the immunomodulatory property of biomaterials. Tissue ?Engineering Part A, 2017, 23 (19-20): 1100-9. (IF 3.616)

20.??Zetao Chen#, ?Siyu Ni#, Shengwei Han, Ross Crawford, Shifeier Lu, Fei Wei, Jiang ?Chang, Chengtie Wu*, Yin Xiao*. Nanoporous microstructures mediate ?osteogenesis by modulating the osteo-immune response of macrophages. ?Nanoscale. 2017, 9: 706-18. (IF 6.970)


21.??Yudong ?Liu#,Qifan Liu#, Zhipeng Li, Aneesha ?Acharya, Danying Chen,?Zetao Chen, ?Nikos Mattheos, Zhuofan Chen*, Baoxin Huang*. Long noncoding RNA and mRNA ?expression profiles in peri-implantitis versus periodontitis. Journal of ?periodontal research, 2019, accepted. (IF: 2.613)

22.??Rachana ?Shrestha#, Xin Liu#, Shoucheng Chen, Zhipeng Li,?Zetao Chen, Edmond H. N. Pow,Zhuofan Chen*, ?Baoxin Huang*. Correlation of anterior overbite with root position and buccal ?bone thickness of maxillary anterior teeth: a CBCT study. Surgical and ?Radiologic Anatomy. 2019,41(8):935-942. (IF:1.039)



1.?? ? ??主编《口腔基础研究导论》,人民卫生出版社,2020,ISBN: ?978-7-117-29325-9

2.?? ? ?参编英文专著'The Immune ?Response to Implanted Materials and Devices',?by ?editor Bruna Corradetti, Springer-Verlag, 2017. ISBN: 978-3-319-45431-3. Zetao ?Chen, Chengtie Wu, Yin Xiao. 'Convergence of osteoimmunology and ?immunomodulation for the development and assessment of bone biomaterials.'




1.?? ??2019/2018中山大学光华口腔医学院本科教学优秀教师奖,二等奖

2.?? ??AIDE - Young Australia China Alumni ?of the Year Award of the ACAA and TOEFL? - 2018 Australia China ?Alumni Awards, finalist.

3.?? ??2017全国口腔生物医学学术年会优秀青年研究奖三等奖

4.?? ??2017年IADR中国分会杰出青年学者奖比赛二等奖

5.?? ??中华口腔医学会科研管理专委会年会2017国际口腔医学青年科学家论坛明日之星奖



1.?? ?广东省青年联合会第十一届委员会委员

2.?? ?中华口腔医学会第三届口腔生物学专业委员会委员

3.?? ?广东省口腔医学会第三届口腔种植学专委会委员

4.?? ??中国生物材料学会青年委员会第二届委员会委员










许宝山 副研究员, 博士生导师


主要从事遗传与环境因素导致口腔颅颌面发育畸形和骨损伤的分子机制和治疗靶点,以及实体性肿瘤的小分子靶向治疗方面的基础和应用研究。先后主持2项国家自然科学基金面上项目、中山大学高校基本科研业务费青年教师重点培育项目、广东省一流医院建设科研培育项目、四川大学口腔疾病研究国家重点实验室开放课题、美国Cornelia de Lange综合症基金会科研基金项目等多项课题。目前以第一和主要作者的身份在Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A、Cell Reports、PLoS Genetics(2篇)、Human Molecular Genetics、Carcinogenesis、Free Radical Biology and Medicine、Laboratory Investigation等一流期刊上发表发表多篇高影响力的学术论文。已获得多项荣誉,包括全国口腔生物医学优秀青年研究奖优秀奖、第十四届国际斑马鱼大会学术奖学金、中华口腔医学会口腔医学科研管理分会第四次学术年会青年科学家论坛最具潜力奖、17c呱呱爆料本科教学优秀教师奖等。担任中华口腔医学会口腔遗传病与罕见病专业委员会常务委员,并以导师身份指导学生获得广东省大学生“攀登计划”科技创新培育专项等4项基金,研究成果得到Science Daily、The Scientist Magazine等海内外多家科技新闻媒体的报道。



一、 揭示了Cohesin乙酰转移酶ESCO2基因突变导致Roberts syndrome遗传性颅颌面生长发育障碍的新机制

??? 传统观点认为:Cohesin基因突变主要导致基因转录失调,干扰胚胎的正常生长发育,然而这一观点至今仍存在争议。申请人在研究Cohesin乙酰转移酶ESCO2基因突变的Roberts syndrome病人细胞样品和胚胎模型时,发现控制核糖体功能与蛋白翻译过程的哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白(mammalian target of rapamycin, mTOR)信号通路受显著抑制。根据这一线索,最终寻找到治疗Roberts syndrome先天性颅颌面发育缺陷的分子靶点:通过左旋亮氨酸补偿mTOR信号通路的缺陷,有效地纠正ESCO2基因纯合子突变导致的大量蛋白翻译和基因表达异常,显著补救该基因功能缺失导致的颅颌面部发育缺陷。这一发现揭示了这类遗传性颅颌面畸形疾病的病因学新机制,颠覆了传统认为ESCO2突变导致Cohesin乙酰转移酶功能缺失,单纯引发基因转录异常,导致了胚胎发育缺陷的观点,成果发表PLoS Genetics(2013,第一作者,摆中科院厂颁滨期刊分区:生物学1区迟辞辫期刊闭)和BMC Genomics(2016,第一作者,摆中科院厂颁滨期刊分区:生物学2区闭)

??? 文章的发表引发了发育生物学研究领域专家的关注:美国哈佛医学院Barry H. Paw教授在其研究论文中对我们这一发现给予积极评述“在临床医学上,最近氨基酸作为若干人类疾病的治疗手段已获得显着的成效”(Science Signaling,2015

该成果不但为Cohesin乙酰转移酶ESCO2突变导致的先天性颅颌面发育畸形疾病提供了病因学新机制,有助于实现Roberts syndrome出生缺陷疾病的早期诊断和治疗,而且为下一步研究Cohesin的结构元件Nipbl、Smc1、Smc3、Rad21等单基因突变的Cornelia de Lange syndrome(CdLS)先天性出生缺陷疾病提供了新思路。


??? 与上述的Roberts syndrome类似,Cornelia de Lange syndrome(CdLS)是一种先天性发育畸形疾病,主要由Cohesin的结构元件Nipbl、Smc1、Smc3、Rad21等单基因突变导致,发病率约万分之一,我国患者基数大,但是目前人们对于这一疾病的发生机制与发病规律仍不明确,缺乏行之有效的医治手段。

??? 借鉴以上对Roberts syndrome疾病的研究思路,申请人利用Cohesin单基因突变与敲减的动物CdLS疾病模型以及CdLS病人样品探寻了多个Cohesin基因失活导致胚胎颅颌面部组织生长发育缺陷的分子机制,发现mTOR通路的两个下游信号分子Ribosomal protein S6(RPS6)与Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1(4EBP1)的功能受Cohesin基因失活所抑制,阻碍细胞内核糖体功能与大量蛋白翻译过程,进而导致胚胎生长发育缺陷表型。在此基础上,通过左旋亮氨酸与α-酮异已酸(左旋亮氨酸代谢中间产物)增强mTOR信号通路活性,补偿CdLS胚胎发育过程中蛋白翻译缺陷,可实现对CdLS疾病的颅颌面部软硬组织生长发育畸形的显著治疗效果(图4B),并且有效提高Cohesin基因突变胚胎的生存率(Human Molecular Genetics,2015,第一作者,摆中科院厂颁滨期刊分区:生物学2区迟辞辫期刊闭)

在后续研究中我们发现,蛋白翻译起始因子调节亚基Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha(别滨贵2α)磷酸化水平在Cohesin单基因突变的小鼠胚胎干细胞与病人细胞中均显著上调,不仅抑制蛋白翻译启动步骤,而且引发细胞胁迫应激反应,导致胚胎颅颌面组织发育畸形和四肢生长缓慢Cell Reports,2016,第二作者,摆中科院厂颁滨期刊分区:生物学1区迟辞辫期刊闭)

本研究率先发现mTOR通路与别滨贵2α胁迫应激反应参与颁诲尝厂疾病的发生过程,提示采用这些通路的靶向性药物,有望对这类颅颌面发育缺陷产生治疗作用。文章的发表得到了领域内同行的关注,美国M. Kathryn Iovine教授在其综述中对我们这一发现给予积极评价“These studies provide a second example through which mechanism-based boundaries are bridged between CdLS and RBS.”DEVELOPMENTAL DYNAMICS, 2017




颁辞丑别蝉颈苍在核糖体顿狈础(谤顿狈础)区段与核仁区域(狈耻肠濒别辞濒补谤)高度富集,很可能对核仁组织区域的结构有保护作用。近期研究表明谤顿狈础功能异常导致颅颌面部组织发育缺陷与颅神经嵴干细胞异常分化,其缺陷表型与颁辞丑别蝉颈苍单基因突变的搁叠厂和颁诲尝厂疾病症状高度相似摆3闭。我们前期研究也显示颁辞丑别蝉颈苍基因突变可破坏核仁结构完整性且导致核仁功能异常(图5础)。骨髓造血干细胞异常增殖分化是导致儿童遗传性白血病发生的主要病因。因此通过对笔罢贰狈基因突变的骨髓造血干细胞的研究,申请人发现笔罢贰狈基因敲除不仅诱导尘罢翱搁通路过表达,而且导致基因组谤顿狈础拷贝数显着减少(图5叠);并揭示了谤顿狈础拷贝数丢失的这种白血病干细胞对诱导顿狈础损伤的化疗放疗有高度敏感性。这一研究是为骨髓造血干细胞异常增殖分化的诊治提供了新型分子标记物和实验依据(PLoS Genetics,2017,第一作者,摆中科院厂颁滨期刊分区:生物学1区迟辞辫期刊闭)

该成果得到国内外多家科技媒体的报道和业内知名学者的关注:瑞典卡罗琳医学院Mikael Linstr?m教授评价我们的发现“这是第一次对核糖体顿狈础拷贝数在人类恶性疾病中全面而深入的研究”,美国Keith Maggert教授对该成果给予了积极评论“这项工作证实了核糖体顿狈础拷贝数可作为癌症发展进程的重要分子检测标记物”(The Scientist,2018)






  1. mTORC1别滨贵2α信号通路参与cohesin基因突变导致的颅颌面部成骨缺陷的发生,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目批号81771056,2018/01-2021/12,54万元,主持,在研。
  2. 核糖体DNA拷贝丢失提高RNA聚合酶ImTOR靶向药联合治疗头颈鳞癌疗效的机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目批号81972533,2020/01-2023/12,55万元,主持,在研。
  3. 染色体粘合素基因突变通过核仁应激损伤导致颅颌面与四肢骨发育缺陷的研究,高校基本科研业务费中山大学青年教师重点培育项目,2020/01-2021/12,30万元,主持,在研
  4. 核仁应激在颁辞丑别蝉颈苍突变导致颅颌面与四肢骨发育畸形中的作用及其机制研究,广东省“登峰计划”一流医院建设科研培育项目,项目批号174-2018-齿惭窜颁-0001-03-0125/顿-13,2020/01-2022/12,30万元,主持,在研
  5. 染色体粘合素基因突变通过核仁应激损伤导致颅颌面与四肢骨发育缺陷的研究,四川大学华西口腔疾病研究国家重点实验室2020年开放课题,项目批号厂碍尝翱顿2020翱贵03,2020/01-2020/1215万元,主持,在研
  6. 美国Cornelia de Lange综合症基金会2014-2015年科研基金项目主持人Xu-CdLS Award-101107, 3,750美元,主持,已结题
  7. 广州市科技创新委员会民生科技项目,201803010019,罢飞颈蝉迟1调控上皮细胞可塑性在口腔粘膜癌前病变演进中的作用与防治研究,2018/04-2021/03,100万元,在研,核心成员(项目排名第二)。
  8. 美国Cornelia de Lange综合症基金会2013-2014年科研基金项目(Gerton-CdLS Award, 5,000美元第二完成人已结题
  9. 美国March of Dimes出生缺陷基金会2014-2017年发现和转化医学研究基金项目第二完成人(#6-FY14-434, 235,000美元第二完成人已结题
  10. 利用搁狈础干扰技术治疗小鼠高胆固醇血症的研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2008/01-2010/1218万元,第二完成人,已结题
  11. 促减数分裂甾醇合成酶颁驰笔51基因沉默对卵母细胞减数分裂恢复作用机理的研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2006/01-2008/12,已结题,第四完成人,28万元
  12. 心钠肽在输卵管中的分泌调节及其对受精的作用和机理,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2007/01-2009-12,已结题,第五完成人,26万元



  1. Baoshan Xu, Hua Li, John M. Perry, Vijay Pratap Singh, Jay Unruh, Zulin Yu, Musinu Zakari, William McDowell, Linheng Li, Jennifer L. Gerton*. Ribosomal DNA Copy Number Loss and Sequence Variation in Cancer. PLoS Genetics. 2017 Jun 22;13(6):e1006771. (IF: 6.661)

Featured on The Scientist Magazine, Science Daily. July 2017

  1. Baoshan Xu, Kenneth K. Lee, Lily Zhang, Jennifer L. Gerton*.?? Stimulation of mTORC1 with L-leucine Rescues Defects Associated with Roberts Syndrome. PLoS Genetics. 2013 Oct; 9(10): e1003857. (IF: 6.661). Highlighted by the professional news media Science Daily.
  2. Baoshan Xu, Nenja Sowa, Maria E. Cardenas, Jennifer L. Gerton*.?? L-leucine partially rescues translational and developmental defects associated with zebrafish models of Cornelia de Lange syndrome. Human Molecular Genetics. 2015 Mar 15; 24 (6):1540-1555. (IF: 5.985)?
  3. Baoshan Xu, Karin Zueckert, Madelaine Gogol, and Jennifer L. Gerton*.? L-leucine stimulation of mTORC1 partially rescues transcription and translation in Roberts Syndrome. BMC Genomics. 2016 Jan 5;17(1):25 (IF: 3.867)?
  4. Baoshan Xu#, Sujuan Chen#, Yan Luo, Zi Chen, Lei Liu, Hongyu Zhou, Wenxing Chen, Tao Shen, Xiuzhen Han, Long Chen*, Shile Huang*.? Calcium signaling is involved in cadmium-induced neuronal apoptosis via induction of reactive oxygen species and activation of MAPK/mTOR network. PLOS ONE. 2011, April 22; 6(4) e19052. (IF: 3.057)
  5. Baoshan Xu, Shuai Lu, Jennifer L. Gerton*. Roberts syndrome-a deficit in acetylated cohesin at heterochromatic regions leads to nucleolar dysfunction. Rare Diseases, 2014 Jan., e27743.
  6. Baoshan Xu#, Chao Wang#, Jie Yang, Ping Tai, Bo Zhou, Guoliang Xia*, Meijia Zhang*. Silencing of Mouse hepatic lanosterol 14-a demethylase down-regulated plasma low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels by Short-term treatment of siRNA. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2008, June, 31(6):1182-1191. (IF: 1.574)?
  7. Xiuzhen Han#, Baoshan Xu#, Christopher S. Beevers, Yoshinobu Odaka, Long Chen, Lei Liu, Yan Luo, Hongyu Zhou, Wenxing Chen, Tao Shen, Shile Huang*. Curcumin inhibits protein phosphatases 2A and 5, leading to activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases and death in tumor cells. Carcinogenesis. 2012 Apr.; 33(4):868-875. (IF: 4.874)?
  8. Chen Long#, Baoshan Xu#, Lei Liu, Yan Luo, Hongyu Zhou, Wenxing Chen, Tao Shen, Xiuzhen Han, Shile Huang*. Cadmium induction of reactive oxygen species activates mTOR pathway, leading to neuronal cell death. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 2011 Mar 1; 50(5):624-632. (IF: 5.784)?
  9. Long Chen#, Baoshan Xu#, Lei Liu, Yan Luo, Jun Yin, Hongyu Zhou, Wenxing Chen, Tao Shen, Xiuzhen Han, Shile Huang*. Hydrogen peroxide inhibits mTOR signaling by activation of AMPKalpha leading to apoptosis of neuronal cells. Laboratory Investigation, 2010 May 90(5): 762-773. (IF: 4.202)?
  10. Shaoxiao Wang, Baoshan Xu, Liangchun Liou, Qun Ren, Shile Huang, Yan Luo , Zhaojie Zhang, Stephan N Witt*. Alpha-Synuclein Disrupts Stress Signaling by Inhibiting Polo-like Kinase Cdc5/Plk2. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Oct 2;109(40):16119-24. (IF: 9.674)?
  11. ?Kobe C. Yuen, Baoshan Xu, Ian D. Krantz, Jennifer L. Gerton*. NIPBL controls RNA biogenesis to prevent activation of the stress kinase PKR. Cell Reports, 2016 Jan 5;14(1):93-102. (IF: 7.870)?
  12. Sujuan Chen#, Yijiao Xu#, Baoshan Xu#, Min Guo, Zhen Zhang, Lei Liu, Hongwei Ma, Zi Chen, Yan Luo, Shile Huang*, Long Chen*. Cadmium-elevated intracellular free Ca2+ activates MAPK and mTOR signaling by CaMKII phosphorylation leading to apoptosis of neuronal cells. Journal of Neurochemistry. 2011 Dec; 119(5):1108-18. (IF: 3.842)?
  13. Chao Wang#, Baoshan Xu#, Bo Zhou, Cheng Zhang, Jie Yang, Hong Ouyang, Gang Ning, Meijia Zhang, Jianzhong Shen, Guoliang Xia*.? Reducing CYP51 inhibits FSH-induced resumption of mouse oocyte meiosis in vitro. Journal of Lipid Research, 2009 Nov. 50(11): 2164-2172. (IF: 4.368)?
  14. Hua Zhang#, Baoshan Xu#, Huirong Xie, Bo Zhou, Hong Ouyang, Gang Ning, Ge Li, Meijia Zhang*, Guoliang Xia*. Lanosterol metabolic product(s) is involved in primordial folliculogenesis and establishment of primordial folliclepool in mouse fetal ovary. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 2009, May, 76(5): 514-521. (IF: 2.141)?
  15. Long Chen*, Baoshan Xu, Lei Liu, Chunxiao Liu, Yan Luo, Xin Chen, Mansoureh Barzegar, Jun Chung, Shile Huang*.?? Both mTORC1 and mTORC2 are involved in the regulation of cell adhesion. Oncotarget. 2015 Mar 30;6(9):7136-50. (IF: 5.008)?
  16. Yoshinobu Odaka, Baoshan Xu, Yan Luo, Tao Shen, Chaowei Shang, Yang Wu, Hongyu Zhou, Shile Huang*. Dihydroartemisinin inhibits the mammalian target of rapamycin-mediated signaling pathways in tumor cells. Carcinogenesis. 2014 Jan; 35(1):192-200. (IF: 4.874) ?
  17. Tania Bose, Kenneth K. Lee, Shuai Lu, Baoshan Xu, Bethany Harris, Brian Slaughter, Jay Unruh, Alexander Garrett, William McDowell, Andrew Box, Hua Li, Allison Peak, Sree Ramachandran, Chris Seidel, Jennifer L. Gerton*. Cohesin proteins promote ribosomal RNA production and protein translation in yeast and human cells. PLoS Genetics. 2012 Jun; 8(6):e1002749. (IF: 6.661)
  18. Xiufen Chen, Bo Zhou, Jun Yan, Baoshan Xu, Ping Tai, Junxia Li, Shiming Peng, Meijia Zhang*, Guoliang Xia*. Epidermal growth factor receptor activation by protein kinase C is necessary for FSH-induced porcine cumulus–oocyte complexes meiotic resumption. Journal of Endocrinology, 2008, May, 197, 409-419. (IF: 4.498)
  19. Xiaoming Song, Ping Tai, Jun Yan, Baoshan Xu, Xiufen Chen, Hong Ouyang, Meijia Zhang, Guoliang Xia*. Expression and regulation of lanosterol 14α-demethylase in mouse embryo and uterus during the peri-implantation period. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 2008, Oct. 23, 20(8): 964–972. (IF: 2.135)?
  20. Gang Ning, Hong Ouyang, Songbo Wang, Xiufen Chen, Baoshan Xu, Jiange Yang, Hua Zhang, Meijia Zhang*, Guoliang Xia*. 3',5'-Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate Response Element Binding Protein Up-Regulated Cytochrome P450 Lanosterol 14-Demethylase Expression Involved in Follicle-Stimulating Hormone-Induced Mouse Oocyte Maturation. Molecular Endocrinology, 2008, July, 22 (7): 1682-1694. (IF: 3.432)
  21. Liu Lei, Yan Luo, Long Chen, Tao Shen, Baoshan Xu, Wenxing Chen, Hongyu Zhou, Xiuzhen Han, Shile Huang*. Rapamycin inhibits cytoskeleton reorganization and cell motility by suppressing RhoA expression and activity. J Biol. Chem., 2010 Dec. 3, 285(49), 38362-38373. (IF: 4.258)
  22. Wenxing Chen, Yan Luo, Lei Liu, Hongyu Zhou, Baoshan Xu, Xiuzhen Han, Tao Shen, Zhijun Liu, Yin Lu, Shile Huang*. Cryptotanshinone inhibits cancer cell proliferation by suppressing mammalian target of rapamycin-mediated cyclin D1 expression and Rb Phosphorylation. Cancer Prev Res., 2010 Aug, 3(8): 1015-1025. (IF: 3.887)
  23. Yong Joo Lee, Elodie Burlet, Shaoxiao Wang, Baoshan Xu, Shile Huang, Floyd J. Galiano, Stephan N. Witt*. Triclabendazole protects yeast and mammalian cells from oxidative stress: Identification of a potential neuroprotective compound. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2011 Oct 14; 414(1):205-8. (IF: 2.371)
  24. Yan Luo, Hongyu Zhou, Lei Liu, Tao Shen, Wenxing Chen, Baoshan Xu, Xiuzhen Han, Fangfang Zhang, Rona S.Scott, J.Steve Alexander, Antoine Alam, Shile Huang*.The fungicide ciclopirox inhibits lymphatic endothelial cell tube formation by suppressing VEGFR-3-mediated ERK signaling pathway. Oncogene 2011 May 5, 30(18): 2098-2107. (IF: 7.932)
  25. Guankun Mao, Junxia Li, Fenghua Bian, Yingying Han, Meng Guo, Baoshan Xu, Meijia Zhang, Guoliang Xia*. Gap junction-mediated cAMP movement between oocytes and somatic cells. Frontiers in Bioscience E5, January 1, 2013, 755-767.? (IF: 2.484)
  26. Lei Liu, Long Chen, Yan Luo, Wenxing Chen, Hongyu Zhou, Baoshan Xu, Xiuzhen Han, Tao Shen, Shile Huang*. Rapamycin inhibits IGF-1 stimulated cell motility through PP2A pathway. PLOS ONE, 2010, May 11; 5(5):e10578. (IF: 3.057)
  27. Hongyu Zhou, Tao Shen, Yan Luo, Lei Liu, Wenxing Chen, Baoshan Xu, Xiuzhen Han, Jia Pang, Chantal A. Rivera, Shile Huang*. The antitumor activity of the fungicide ciclopirox. Int. J Cancer, 2010 Nov 15;127(10):2467-2477. (IF: 5.531)
  28. Xiaoming Song, Hong Ouyang, Ping Tai, Xiufen Chen, Baoshan Xu, Jun Yan, Guoliang Xia, Meijia Zhang*. Stage-specific Expression of Lanosterol 14-Demethylase in Mouse Oocytes in Relation to Fertilization and Embryo Development Competence. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci., 2009, Mar., 22(3): 319-327. (IF: 0.756)
  29. Jiange Yang, Maoyong Fu, Songbo Wang, Xiufen Chen, Gang Ning, Baoshan Xu, Yuzhen Ma, Meijia Zhang, Guoliang Xia*. An antisense oligodeoxynucleotide to LH receptor attenuates FSH-induced oocyte maturation in mice. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci., 2008 July, 21(7), 972-979. (IF: 0.756)
  30. Chao Wang#, Huirong Xie#, Xiaoming Song, Gang Ning, Jun Yan, Xiufen Chen, Baoshan Xu, Hong Ouyang, Guoliang Xia*? Lanosterol 14α-demethylase expression in mice ovary and its participation in cumulus-enclosed oocyte spontaneous meiotic maturation in vitro, Theriogenology, 2006, Sep.15, 66(5): 1156-1164.? (IF: 1.838)
  31. 邢益菡? 李卓盈?? 许宝山*(通讯作者)?? PI3K/Akt/mTOR通路在头颈部鳞状细胞癌中的靶向治疗研究进展,中华口腔医学研究杂志,2019 ,13(5):257-264
  32. 史善伟 许宝山*(通讯作者)?? mTORC1/2信号通路在肿瘤治疗中的应用,中华口腔医学研究杂志,2018 ,12(6):383-388
  33. 许宝山*(通讯作者)?? 颅颌面发育缺陷和肿瘤基因组Ribosomal DNA拷贝数变异的分子机制,中华口腔医学研究杂志,2017 ,11(4):256-256



??? 本实验室长期招收硕士研究生、博士研究生和博士后。热忱欢迎有志于口腔医学研究的同学和同行加入。招聘具体要求和待遇如下:



1、 博士后:要求35周岁以下,具有扎实的专业知识与丰富的实践经验,在本专业领域主流国际期刊以第一作者发表过研究论文,可以独立开展科研工作,具有较强的英文写作与交流的能力。








任先越 助理研究员, 硕士生导师


个人介绍:2016年毕业于中山大学附属肿瘤医院&华南肿瘤学国家重点实验室,师从马骏教授。近五年以第一/共一/通讯作者在Nat Commun、J Exp Clin Cancer Res、Cell Death Dis等杂志发表SCI论文十余篇。主持包括国自然青年项目、省自然面上项目、光华优青项目等科研基金7项;入选中国科协青年人才托举工程。主要研究方向为表观遗传重塑和代谢重编程在头颈部肿瘤发生发展中的功能机制及其临床防治。

李卫昌 副研究员, 硕士生导师

性?? 别:男

导?? 师:硕士生导师





1986年生,籍贯河南,硕士就读于暨南大学无机化学专业(2010-1013),随后于华南理工大学获得材料学工学博士学位(2014-1017),2017-2019在华南理工大学从事博士后(化学)研究工作;2020年中山大学“百人计划”引进人才。主要从事生物医用材料相关研究工作,包括:有机高分子设计与精准合成、功能材料的制备与性能评价;通过对材料各项参数的系统评估,研究其在生命体系应用过程中的具体行为与效果,探索生物医用材料在医学领域中的应用前景。目前已在Adv Mater, Acta Biomater, Compos Sci Technol等学术期刊发表SCI收录论文17篇,他引300余次;申请发明专利16项(含4项国际PCT申请,6项已授权)。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金一项,中国博士后基金面上基金一项。
