1988-1993?? ?中山医科大学口腔医学系?学士
1993-1998?? ?中山医科大学光华口腔医学院·附属口腔医院?住院医师、主治医师、助教
1998-2002?? ?香港大学牙医学院?博士
2002-2004?? ?中山大学光华口腔医学院·附属口腔医院?讲师
2004-2009?? ?中山大学光华口腔医学院·附属口腔医院??副主任医师
2006至今?? ?中山大学光华口腔医学院·附属口腔医院?口腔种植学?硕士研究生导师
2012至今?? ?中山大学光华口腔医学院·附属口腔医院?口腔种植学?博士研究生导师
2014至今?? ?中山大学光华口腔医学院·附属口腔医院?教授
2017至今?? ?广东省口腔医学会口腔种植专委会?主任委员
2018至今?? ??中华口腔医学会口腔种植专业委员会?? ? ?副主任委员
2004?? ?广东省自然科学基金(04300294):纳米磷灰石晶体在仿生溶液钛金属表面生长的研究
2004?? ??广东省医学科研基金(B2004059):钛基纳米磷灰石在仿生溶液中生长的研究
2005?? ??国家自然科学基金(30500570):羟基磷灰石在模拟体液的溶解平衡研究
2006?? ??广东省科技攻关项目(31003004):羟基磷灰石溶解度体外测试系统的建立
2007?? ??中山大学横向合作课题(7101001):不同类型羟基磷灰石溶解度及其影响因素研究
2009?? ??国家自然科学基金(30973355):离子植入影响生物骨陶瓷材料降解性能的实验研究
2010?? ??中山大学青年教师基金(10ykpy16):氟离子掺杂生物磷灰石的体内外实验研究
2011 ? ??广东省自然科学基金(S2011010004978):氟离子改性生物磷灰石体外降解及生物学性能实验研究
2014 ??国家自然科学基金(81470783):氟化生物源性羟基磷灰石溶解平衡与促进成骨的机制研究
2015 ? ??广东省自然科学基金?-?重点(2015A03031105):猪骨羟基磷灰石氟离子掺杂后溶解平衡与成骨性能的研究
2019 ? ?国家自然科学基金(81970975):Zn-nHA/PLGA/FBHA复合材料通过调控?Th17/Treg细胞平衡影响种植体周围炎骨微环境促进骨缺损修复的研究
1.?? ? ? ? ?Liu GQ#, Guo YL#, Zhang LJ#, Wang XS, Liu RH, Huang PN, XiaoY,?Chen Z*, Chen ZT*. Astandardized rat burr hole defect model to study maxillofacial boneregeneration, Acta Biomaterialia, 2019, 86, 450-464.
2.?? ? ? ? ?Wu SY#, Xia BB#, Mai S#, Feng ZC, Wang XS, Liu YD, Liu RH, LiZP, Xiao Y*,?Chen Z*, ChenZT*. Sodium fluoride under dose range of 2.424 μM, a promisingosteoimmunomodulatory agent for vascularized bone formation, ACS BiomaterialsScience and Engineering, 2019, 5(2), 817-830.
3.?? ? ? ? ??QiaoW#, Liu RH#, LiZP, Luo X, Huang BX, Liu Q, Chen ZT, Tsoi J, Su YX, Cheung K, Matinlinna JP*,Yeung Kelvin*,Chen Z*. In situ release of endogenouscations from xenograft bone driven by fluoride incorporation contributes toenhanced bone regeneration, Biomaterials Science, 2018, 6, 2951-2964.
4.?? ? ? ? ?Chen ZT, Chen LL, Liu RH, Lin YX, Chen SC, Lu S, Lin ZM,?ChenZ, Chengtie Wu, Yin Xiao. The osteoimmunomodulatory property of barriercollagen membrane and its manipulation via coating nanometer-sized bioactiveglass to improve guided bone regeneration, Biomaterials Science, 2018, 1;6(5): 1007-1019.
5.?? ? ? ? ?Liu RH, Qiao W, Huang BX, Chen ZT, Fang JH, Li ZP,?Chen Z.Fluorination enhances osteogenic capacity of porcine hydroxyapatite, TissueEngineering Part A, 2018,?24(15-16): 1207-1217.
6.?? ? ? ? ?Liu RH#, Lin YX#, Lin JY#,Zhang LJ, Mao XL, Huang BX, Xiao Y,ChenZ*, Chen ZT*. BloodPrefabrication Subcutaneous Small Animal Model for the Evaluation of BoneSubstitute Materials,?ACS Biomaterials Science andEngineering, 2018, 4, 7, 2516-2527.
7.?? ? ? ? ?Chen SC, Guo YL, Liu RH, Wu SY, Fang JH, Huang BX, Li ZP,?ChenZ, Chen ZT. Tuning surface properties of bone biomaterials to manipulateosteoblastic cell adhesion and the downstream signaling pathways for theenhancement of early osseointegration, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces,2018, 164, 58-69.
8.?? ? ? ? ?Wu S,Wu X,Shrestha R,Lin J,Feng Z,Liu Y,Shi Y,Huang B,Li Z,Liu Q,Zhang X, Hu M,?Chen Z.Clinical and Radiologic Outcomes of Submerged and Nonsubmerged Bone-LevelImplants with Internal Hexagonal Connections in Immediate Implantation: A5-Year Retrospective Study. Journal of Prosthodontics, 2018, 27, 2, 101-107.
9.?? ? ? ? ?Han A, Tsoi J, Matinlinna JP, Zhang Y,?Chen Z. Effectsof different sterilization methods on surface characteristics and biofilmformation on zirconia in vitro[J]. Dental Materials, 2018, 34, 2, 272-281.
10.?? ? ??Han A, Tsoi J, Matinlinna JP,?Chen Z. Influence ofGrit-Blasting and Hydrofluoric Acid Etching Treatment on SurfaceCharacteristics and Biofilm Formation on Zirconia[J]. Coatings, 2017, 7(8):130.
11.?? ? ??Qiao W, Liu Q, Li ZP, Zhang HQ,?Chen Z. Changes inphysicochemical and biological properties of porcine bone derivedhydroxyapatite induced by the incorporation of fluoride.[J]. Sci Technol AdvMater, 2017, 18(1):110-121.
12.?? ? ??Liu Q,?Chen Z, Pan HB, Darvell BW, Matinlinna JP.Effect of Magnesium on the Solubility of Hydroxyapatite[J]. European Journal ofInorganic Chemistry, 2016, 2016(36).
13.?? ? ??Han AF, Li XL, Huang BX, Tsoi J, Matinlinna JP,?Chen Z,Deng DM. The effect of titanium implant surface modification on the dynamicprocess of initial microbial adhesion and biofilm formation[J]. InternationalJournal of Adhesion & Adhesives, 2016, 69:125-132.
14.?? ? ??Li ZP, Huang BX, Mai S, Wu XY, Zhang HQ, Qiao W, Luo X,?ChenZ. Effects of fluoridation of porcine hydroxyapatite on osteoblasticactivity of human MG63 cells. Sci Technol Advan Mater, 2015, 16(3):1099-1020.
15.?? ? ??Yin L, Yu Z,?Chen Z, Huang B, Zhang K, Zhou A, et al.Analysis of Bone Height Changes after Maxillary Sinus Augmentation withSimultaneous and Delayed Placement of Dental Implants: A Clinical andRadiographic Study. J Prosthodont. 2015 Jul 27. (IF 1.071)
16.?? ? ??Li Z, Yi J, Huang B, Wu X, Qiao W, Luo X,?Chen Z.Ultraviolet irradiation enhanced bioactivity and biological response ofmesenchymal stem cells on micro-arc oxidized titanium surfaces. Dent Mater J.2015;34(2):135–47.?(IF 0.968)
17.?? ? ??Liu Q, Pan H,?Chen Z, Matinlinna JP. Insight intobone-derived biological apatite: ultrastructure and effect of thermaltreatment. Biomed Res Int. 2015; 2015:601025.(IF 1.579)
18.?? ? ??Chen Z, Feng S, Pow EHN, Lam OLT, Mai S, Wang H. Organic anioncomposition of human whole saliva as determined by ion chromatography. ClinChim Acta. 2014 Aug 30;438C:231–5.(IF 2.764)
19.?? ? ??Liu Q,?Chen Z, Pan HB, Darvell, BW. The effect ofexcess phosphate on the solubility of hydroxyapatite. Ceram Int. 2014; 40:2751-61. (IF 2.086)
20.?? ? ??Liu Q, Huang SS, Matinlinna JP,?Chen Z, Pan HB.Insight into Biological Apatite: Physiochemical Properties and PreparationApproaches. Biomed Research International. 2013: 13. (IF 2.706)
21.?? ? ??Wang DY, Kunzel A, Golubovic V., Mihatovic I., John G.,?ChenZ, Becker J., Schwarz F. More about accuracy of peri-implant bone thicknessand validity of assessing bone augmentation material using cone beam computedtomography. Clin Oral Invest. 2013; 17: 1787-88. (IF 2.285)
22.?? ? ??Wang D, Künzel A, Golubovic V, Mihatovic I, John G,?Chen Z,Becker J, Schwarz F*. Accuracy of peri-implant bone thickness and validity ofassessing bone augmentation material using cone beam computed tomography. ClinOral Investig. 2013 Jul;17(6):1601-1609.?(IF 2.285)
23.?? ? ??Liu Q, Chen Z, Gu H,?Chen Z.?Preparation and characterization of fluorinated porcine hydroxyapatite.?Dent Mater J.2012;31(5):742-50. (IF=0.943)
24.?? ? ??Liu JY, Pow EHN,?,?Zheng J, Zhang XC, Chen J. Themandarin Chinese shortened version of oral health impact profile for partiallyedentate patients with implant-supported prostheses. J Oral Rehabil. 2012?Aug;39(8):591-9.(IF 1.934)
25.?? ? ??Zheng GS, Su YX, Liao GQ,?Chen Z, Wang L, Jiao PF, LiuHC, Zhong YQ, Zhang TH, Liang YJ. Mandible reconstruction assisted bypreoperative virtual surgical simulation.?Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2012May;113(5):604-11.?(IF 1.417)
27.?? ? ??Pan HB,?Chen ZF, Darvell BW. Solubility ofsparingly-soluble electrolytes–a new approach. Anal Methods,2010, 2(7):?973-975?? ?(IF1.938)
28.?? ? ??*,?,?,?. Solubility of bovine-derivedhydroxyapatite by solid titration, pH3.5-5.?Crystal Growth & Design, 2009, 9(6):2816-2820?? ? (IF 4.215)
29.?? ? ??Chen ZF, Pow EH. A technique for the fabrication of an immediateimplant-supported provisional restoration using a fractured natural tooth.??J Prosthet Dent, 2008, 100(2): 157-158?? ?(IF 1.009)
30.?? ? ??Chen ZF*, Pow HN, Wang Y, Luo ZB.Clinical evaluation of ceramic implant abutments in anterior restorations.Annals of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons, 2008,19:67-70?? ?(NA)
31.?? ? ??Chen ZF, Darvell BW, Leung VWH. Validation of ion chromatography forhuman salivary anionic analysis.??ArchOral Biol, 2004, 49(11): 855-862?? (IF1.554)
32.?? ? ??Chen ZF, Darvell BW, Leung VWH. Human salivary anionic analysisusing ion chromatography.??Arch OralBiol, 2004, 49(11): 863-869?? (IF 1.554)
33.?? ? ??Chen ZF, Darvell BW, Leung VWH. Hydroxyapatite solubility in simpleinorganic solutions.??Arch Oral Biol, 2004,49(5): 359-367?? (IF 1.554)
(陈卓凡?主编. 2010年4月第1版.?北京:人民军医出版社,ISBN: 978-7-5091-3639-3.)
(林野?主编.?陈卓凡?参编. 2014年7月第一版.?北京:北京大学医学出版社,ISBN:9787565907586.)
2008年(首届) “中华口腔医学会-登士柏口腔医学青年人才奖”
1.?中华口腔医学会口腔种植专业委员会?? ? ?副主任委员
2. 广东省口腔医学会口腔种植学专业委员会 ?主任委员
3.香港大学牙医学院??荣誉教授(Honorary Professor)
4. 香港口腔种植学会 ?副会长
5. Implant Dentistry ?Editor (Council/Section)
6. 中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版) 编委
地 址:广州市陵园西路56号中山大学光华口腔医学院?附属口腔医院(510055)
电 话:020-83862537
传 真:020-83822807